Monday 25 June 2012

Hedgehog Rescue

Helen found this little beastie wondering down the middle of the road so she picked it up and put it safely into the fields.

The lighthouse at Esheness

Sunday 24 June 2012

Voe House Bod and garden

We stayed here for one night while waiting for the ferry to Foula, very surprised to find an English country garden and orchard at the back of the bod

Leaving Foula

We cut our visit to Foula short by one day because high winds were forecast and these could seriously affect our ability to leave the island for several days.
The ferry also doubles as a freight carrier and here you can see a car being loaded for the return journey to Shetland Mainland.

An unexpected arrival at the airstrip

As we were camping by the air strip on Foula a private plane made an unscheduled landing. The pilot got out and asked us to help him to push the plane off the runway as a scheduled flight was due in later in the day. He explained that he had come to Foula to climb one of the hills and would then be leaving. He gave his permission for us to photograph his plane.

The Shetland ram

This Shetland ram appeared to be very interested in us as we walked past it on Foula

The boulder beach

At the end of the climb down we came to this beautiful boulder beach, not really what we were expecting

On the way down Da Sneck

A few views of the trip down.

In She Goes

Helen on her way into the entrance of Da Sneck